
class sesameeg.Sesame(source_space, lead_field, data, n_parts=100, s_min=None, s_max=None, n_matrix=None, np_matrix=None, noise_std=None, dip_mom_std=None, fixed_ori=False, radius=None, neigh_std=None, prior_locs=None, subsample=None, hyper_q=True, lam=0.25, max_n_dips=10, fourier=False, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]

Sequential Semi-Analytic Monte-Carlo Estimator (SESAME).

source_spacendarray of float, shape (n_verts, 3)

The coordinates of the points in the brain discretization.

lead_fieldndarray of float, shape (n_sens, n_comp*n_verts)

The lead field matrix. (if fixed_ori=True it must be n_comp = 1; if fixed_ori=False it must be n_comp = 3)

datandarray of float, shape (n_sens, n_ist)

The MEEG data; n_sens is the number of sensors and n_ist is the number of time-points or of frequencies.


The number of particles forming the empirical pdf.


The first analyzed sample in the data array.


The last analyzed sample in the data array.

n_matrixndarray of int, shape (n_verts, n_max_neigh) | None

The set of neighbours of each point in the brain discretization. If None, it is automatically computed. n_max_neigh is the cardinality of the biggest set.

np_matrixndarray of float, shape (n_verts, n_max_neigh) | None

The neighbours’ probabilities. If None, it is automatically computed.

noise_stdfloat | None

The standard deviation of the noise distribution. If None, it is estimated from the data.

dip_mom_stdfloat | None

The standard deviation of the prior pdf on the dipole moment. If None, it is estimated from the forward model and the data.


If True, the forward solution is assumed to be computed in the surface-based source coordinate system.

radiusfloat | None

The maximum distance in cm between two neighbouring vertices of the brain discretization. If None, radius is set to 1 cm.

neigh_stdfloat | None

The standard deviation of the probability distribution of neighbours. If None, neighb_std is set to radius/2.

prior_locsndarray of float, shape (n_vert) | None

The prior probability of source location. If None, a uniform prior probability is used. Default is None.

subsampleint | None

The step used to subsample the data. If None no subsampling is applied.


If True, a hyperprior pdf on the dipole moment std will be used.


The parameter of the Poisson prior pdf on the number of dipoles.


The maximum number of dipoles allowed in a particle.


If True, data are converted to the frequency domain.


If True, increase verbose level.


Additional keyword arguments are passed to the Sesame constructor.


The standard deviation of the prior on the dipole moment.

distance_matrixndarray of float, shape (n_verts x n_verts)

The Euclidean distance between the points in the brain discretization.

est_dip_momsndarray of float, shape (n_ist x (n_comp*est_n_dips[-1])) | None

The sources’ moments estimated at the last iteration. (n_comp = 1, if fixed orientation, 3, if free orientation) If None, moments can be estimated by calling compute_dip_mom()

est_locslist of ndarray of int

The source space grid points indices in which a source is estimated.

est_n_dipslist of int

The estimated number of dipoles.


If True, data are in the frequency domain.


If True use hyperprior on dipole moment std.


The parameter of the Poisson prior pdf on the number of dipoles.

lead_fieldndarray of float, shape (n_sens x n_comp*n_verts)

The leadfield matrix. (n_comp = 1 if fixed_ori=True; n_comp = 3 if fixed_ori=False)


The maximum number of dipoles allowed in a particle.

model_sellist of ndarray of float

The model selection, i.e. the posterior distribution on the number of dipoles.


The number of points forming the brain discretization.


The number of particles forming the empirical pdf.

neighndarray of int, shape (n_vert, n_max_neigh)

The set of neighbours of each point in the brain discretization. n_max_neigh is the cardinality of the biggest set.

neigh_pndarray of float, shape (n_vert, n_max_neigh)

The neighbours’ probabilities.


The standard deviation used to compute the neigh_p matrix.


The standard deviation of the noise distribution.

pmaplist of ndarray of float, shape (est_n_dips, n_verts)

Posterior probability map.

posteriorinstance of EmpPdf

The empirical pdf approximated by the particles at each iteration.

prior_locsndarray of float, shape (n_verts, ) | None

The prior probability of active source locations. If None, each source space grid point is assigned a uniform prior probability.

r_datandarray of float, shape (n_sens, n_ist)

The real part of the data; n_sens is the number of sensors and n_ist is the number of time-points or of frequencies.


The radius used to compute the neighbours.

_resample_itlist of int

The iterations during which a resampling step has been performed


The first sample of the segment of data that are analyzed.


The last sample of the segment of data that are analyzed.

source_spacendarray of float, shape (n_verts, 3)

The coordinates of the points in the brain discretization.

subsampleint | None

The step used to subsample the data.


Time vector in seconds. Only when instantiated by means of prepare_sesame() and when fourier=False


Frequency vector in Hertz. Only when instantiated by means of prepare_sesame() and when fourier=True

forwardinstance of Forward

The forward solution. Only when instantiated by means of prepare_sesame()


Subject name in Freesurfer subjects dir. Only when instantiated by means of prepare_sesame().

subjects_dirstr | None

If not None, this directory will be used as the subjects directory instead of the value set using the SUBJECTS_DIR environment variable. Only when instantiated by means of prepare_sesame()

trans_matrixinstance of Transform

MRI<->Head coordinate transformation. Only when instantiated by means of prepare_sesame()

apply_sesame(estimate_all=False, estimate_dip_mom=True)[source]

Apply SESAME on MEEG data and compute point estimates.


If True compute the posterior probability map and estimate the number of dipoles and their locations at each iteration. If False compute the above quantities only at the last iteration.


If True compute a point-estimate of the dipole moment at the last iteration.


Compute a point estimate for the dipole moments.

est_locslist of ndarray of int

The estimated source locations.


Compute and export in an .stc file the posterior pdf p(r|\mathbf{y}, \hat{n}_D), being \hat{n}_D the estimated number of sources. For each point r in the brain discretization, p(r|\mathbf{y}, \hat{n}_D) is the probability of a source being located in r.

subjectstr | None

The subject name.

stcSourceEstimate | VolSourceEstimate

The source estimate object containing the posterior map of the dipoles’ location.


Evaluate the estimated configuration of dipoles. The goodness of fit (GOF) with the recorded data is defined as

GOF = \frac{\| \mathbf{y} - \hat{\mathbf{y}} \|}
{ \|\mathbf{y}\|}

where \mathbf{y} is the recorded data, \hat{\mathbf{y}} is the field generated by the estimated configuration of dipoles, and \| \cdot \| is the Frobenius norm.


The goodness of fit with the recorded data.


Plot the amplitude of the estimated sources as function of time.

n_sources: :py:class:`~int` | None

Set the number of sources of the alternative configuration to plot. If None, plot the configuration with the estimated number of sources.


Plot the probability of number of sources.


The kind of plot to draw. Options are: “bar”, “pie”.

plot_sources(n_sources=None, plot_kwargs=None, savepath=None, save_kwargs=None, true_sources=None, force_open=False)[source]

Plot the estimated sources. The default behaviour of the method is the following:

  • if Sesame has been instantiated through prepare_sesame(), it visualizes the posterior map of the dipoles’ location and the estimated sources

    • on the inflated brain, if Sesame.forward is of kind surface;

    • on the MRI, if Sesame.forward is of kind volume.

  • if Sesame has been instantiated through Sesame, it visualizes the posterior map of the dipoles’ location and the estimated sources as a PolyData object.

n_sources: :py:class:`~int` | None

Set the number of sources of the alternative configuration to plot. If None, plot the configuration with the estimated number of sources.

plot_kwargsdict | None

Additional arguments to plot_source_estimates() or plot_stat_map() (e.g., dict(surface=’white’)).

savepathstr | None

File path to write image to. If None, no image is written.

save_kwargsdict | None

Additional arguments to screenshot() or savefig().

true_sourcesndarray | None

In simulation settings, indexes of source space points in which true sources are located.


If True, force the image to stay open.

save_h5(fpath, sbj=None, sbj_viz=None, data_path=None, fwd_path=None, cov_path=None, src_path=None, lf_path=None)[source]

Save SESAME result to an HDF5 file.


The path to the save file.

sbjstr | None

The subject name.

sbj_vizstr | None

The name of the subject’s FreeSurfer folder.

data_pathstr | None

The path to the data file.

fwd_pathstr | None

The path to the forward solution file.

cov_pathstr | None

The path to the noise covariance file.

src_pathstr | None

The path to the source space file.

lf_pathstr | None

The path to the leadfield matrix file.

save_pkl(fpath, sbj=None, sbj_viz=None, data_path=None, fwd_path=None, cov_path=None, src_path=None, lf_path=None, save_all=False)[source]

Save SESAME result to a Python pickle file.


The path to the save file.

sbjstr | None

The subject name.

sbj_vizstr | None

The name of the subject’s FreeSurfer folder.

data_pathstr | None

The path to the data file.

fwd_pathstr | None

The path to the forward solution file.

cov_pathstr | None

The path to the noise covariance file.

src_pathstr | None

The path to the source space file.

lf_pathstr | None

The path to the leadfield matrix file.


If True, save the data and the forward model. Default to False.


Compute the Source Dispersion measure to quantify the spatial dispersion of the posterior probability map. It is defined as

SD = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{j=1}^{N_v} \big(d_j |S_j|\big)^2}{\sum_{j=1}^{N_v}|S_j|^2}}

where N_v is the number of voxels, d_j is the distance between the j-th voxel and the nearest estimated dipole location and S_j is the value of the cortical map at the j-th voxel.


The Source Dispersion of SESAME result

Examples using sesameeg.Sesame

Compute SESAME inverse solution on evoked data

Compute SESAME inverse solution on evoked data

Compute SESAME inverse solution on evoked data in volume source space

Compute SESAME inverse solution on evoked data in volume source space

Compute SESAME inverse solution on evoked data with source constraints

Compute SESAME inverse solution on evoked data with source constraints

Compute SESAME inverse solution on evoked data with given source location prior

Compute SESAME inverse solution on evoked data with given source location prior

Explore SESAME alternative inverse solutions on evoked data

Explore SESAME alternative inverse solutions on evoked data

Compute SESAME inverse solution on simulated data in the frequency domain

Compute SESAME inverse solution on simulated data in the frequency domain

Compute SESAME inverse solution on high-density EEG data

Compute SESAME inverse solution on high-density EEG data