API Reference

This is the reference for classes (CamelCase names) and functions (underscore_case names) of Sesameeg.

Main class

Sesame(source_space, lead_field, data[, ...])

Sequential Semi-Analytic Monte-Carlo Estimator (SESAME).

MNE-Python utility functions

prepare_sesame(forward, data[, n_parts, ...])

Prepare a SESAME instance for actually computing the inverse.


plot_n_sources(inv_op[, kind, title])

Plot the probability of number of sources.

plot_stc(inv_op[, plot_kwargs, savepath, ...])

Plot SESAME source estimates using mne.

plot_vol_stc(inv_op[, plot_kwargs, ...])

Plot Nutmeg style SESAME volumetric source estimates using nilearn.

plot_cloud_sources(inv_op[, savepath, true_idxs])

Plot point cloud style SESAME source estimates using pyvista.

plot_amplitudes(inv_op[, title])

Plot the amplitude of the estimated sources as function of time.

Reading SESAME result


Load SESAME result from an HDF5 file.

Other classes


Single current dipole class for SESAME.

Particle(n_verts, lam[, dip_mom_std, ...])

Particle class for SESAME, used to store a single particle of an empirical pdf.

EmpPdf(n_parts, n_verts, lam[, dip_mom_std, ...])

Empirical probability density function (pdf) class for SESAME.

Utility functions

prior_loc_from_labels(subject, subjects_dir, ...)

Construct the prior probability of active source locations starting from given FreeSurfer/MNE labels.

compute_neighbours_matrix(src, d_matrix, ...)

Compute the set of neighbours of each point in the brain discretization.


Compute neighbours' probability matrix.

estimate_dip_mom_std(r_data, lf)

Estimate the standard deviation of the prior of the dipole moment.


Estimate the standard deviation of noise distribution.


Guess the units of the points in the brain discretization and set to 1 cm the value of the radius for computing the sets of neighbours.