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Compute SESAME inverse solution on high-density EEG data¶
In the present example we shall show how to perform a source modeling analysis using SESAME as a standalone software.
The data belongs to a recently published EEG dataset of high-density (256 channels) scalp recordings combined with a ground truth single dipolar source systematically provided through a brief current injection between two adjacent intracranial electrodes whose position is known with millimetric precision [1] [2] .
# Author: Gianvittorio Luria <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
import numpy as np
import as sio
import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sesameeg import Sesame
Import the MATLAB data structure and extract the single quantities.
data_mat = sio.loadmat('data/sub-01_run-07_data.mat')
source_space = data_mat['src_coo']
good_chs = data_mat['good_chs'][0] - 1
lead_field = data_mat['LF'][good_chs]
data = data_mat['evoked']
data_times = data_mat['times'][0]
true_coords = np.array([0.034775, -0.00336, 0.039735])
true_sources = [np.argmin(ssd.cdist(source_space, true_coords.reshape(1, -1))[:, 0])]
Define the parameters.
sample_min, sample_max = 12, 24
subsample = None
# To accelerate the run time of this example, we use a small number of
# particles. We recall that the parameter ``n_parts`` represents, roughly speaking,
# the number of candidate solutions that are tested in the Monte Carlo procedure;
# larger values yield in principle more accurate reconstructions but also entail a
# higher computational cost. Setting the value to about a hundred seems to represent
# a good trade–off.
n_parts = 10
# If None, noise_std and dip_mom_std will be estimated by SESAME.
noise_std = None
dip_mom_std = None
Visualize the selected data.
plt.plot(data_times, data.T, label='EEG data')
plt.axvspan(data_times[sample_min], data_times[sample_max], alpha=0.2, label='Analyzed data')
plt.title(f'EEG Data ({data.shape[0]} channels)')

_sesame = Sesame(source_space, lead_field, data, n_parts=n_parts, noise_std=noise_std,
s_max=sample_max, s_min=sample_min, dip_mom_std=dip_mom_std,
hyper_q=True, subsample=subsample, data_times=data_times)
# Compute goodness of fit
gof = _sesame.goodness_of_fit()
print(' Goodness of fit with the recorded data: {0}%'.format(round(gof, 4) * 100))
# Compute source dispersion
sd = _sesame.source_dispersion()
print(' Source Dispersion: {0} mm'.format(round(sd, 2)))
# Compute distance to true source
distance = ssd.cdist(source_space[_sesame.est_locs[-1][0]].reshape(1,-1), true_coords.reshape(1,-1))[0][0]
print(' Distance to true source: {0} mm'.format(round(distance*1000, 2)))
Computing neighbours matrix [done]
Computing neighbours probabilities...[done]
Estimating dipole moment std...[done]
Estimated dipole moment std: 2.1657e-06
Sampling hyperprior for dipole moment std.
Estimating noise std...[done]
Estimated noise std: 2.8010e-04
Computing inverse solution. This will take a while...
/home/pasca/Tools/python/packages/sesameeg/sesameeg/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
self.loglikelihood_unit = - (n_ist * noise_std**2) * np.log(det_sigma)
Estimated dipole strength variance: 2.20030636474554e-06
Estimated number of sources: 1
Estimated source locations:
* source 1: [ 0.03371428 -0.00413685 0.03588749]
[done in 64 iterations]
Goodness of fit with the recorded data: 78.89%
Source Dispersion: 3.18 mm
Distance to true source: 4.07 mm
Visualize the posterior map of the dipoles’ location
and the estimated sources on the inflated brain.

Visualize the amplitude of the estimated sources as function of time.

Save results.
# You can save SESAME result in an HDF5 file with:
# _sesame.save_h5(save_fname, sbj=subject, data_path=fname_evoked, fwd_path=fname_fwd)
# You can save SESAME result in a Pickle file with:
# _sesame.save_pkl(save_fname, sbj=subject, data_path=fname_evoked, fwd_path=fname_fwd)
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 4.737 seconds)