This is a MATLAB implementation of the Bayesian multi–dipole localization method SESAME [1] (SEquential Semi-Analytic Montecarlo Estimator) for the automatic estimation of brain source currents from MEEG data, either in the time domain and in the frequency domain [2].

A mathematical description of the algorithm is available in the documentation.

The algorithm takes in input a sourcespace, a leadfield and a data time series, and outputs a posterior probability map for source locations, the estimated number of dipoles, their locations and their amplitudes.

script_run_SESAME contains an example script that launches the algorithm inverse_SESAME() contains the Monte Carlo algorithm inverse_SESAME_viewer() contains code for visualizing the output.

Bug reports

Use the github issue tracker to report bugs.

Authors of the code

Alberto Sorrentino <>
Alessandro Viani <>
Gianvittorio Luria <>,
Sara Sommariva <>,

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